Visiting Lalibela

Visiting Lalibela

Saturday, December 4, 2010

WOW--Family From Afar

Sometimes, I read things on other's blogs that are truly life changing. Karen Wistrom's post this morning was one of those posts. I know I've talked about Children's HopeChest and their sponsorship programs..these programs truly change the life of the child who is sponsored. Karen's posting this morning beautifully documents just how these children and their families are blessed by sponsorhip. The story can be accessed off of my blog in two ways, either by clicking on the I Sponsor a Child at Kind Hearts button or by scrolling down to my blog list and clicking on Family From Afar..


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL family!!! You have been greatly blessed!!! So glad to meet you!!!! HUGS!!!
