Visiting Lalibela

Visiting Lalibela

Monday, May 17, 2010


Yesterday's garage sale was incredible. The weather was fantastic, the turnout was great and the results were truly amazing. We had donation after donation come in for the sale. I had an army of homeschool Moms and church friends here helping for the past two days. Thank you, Stephanie, Mary, Adrianna, Entire Larsen crew, Karen, Jodi and Grandma Bert (who sold caramel rolls and sloppy joes during the garage sale). Your encouragement, while marking prices, helping shoppers, laughing at the chaos was priceless!! Mike's guys all came by Saturday morning, to move furniture and help in any way they could. We are humbled, beyond humbled. This community has shown so much love to us and to our family-- what an amazing testimony.

SO- the grand total for the day was just over $3800!! That amount will pay for our plane tickets for court AND most, if not all, of our expenses for the week. Again, we make enough money to raise these beautiful children, it's just the upfront costs that are pricey, especially after doing this one year ago.

Finally, Brenda and Greg, my sister and brother-in-law have been a constant source of encouragement for us. They have come alongside us in every possible way and their love is so appreciated. We can't wait for our new kids to feel the love from all of you that you continually show us. It will be fun for them to read these blog posts and see how many people helped to bring them home as quickly as possible.


  1. What a BLESSING!!!!! Sounds like a terrific garage sale!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!
    This is such a God-thing unfolding in front of us all. Fun to watch!

  2. I am sooo glad it went so well and that I was able to come and help you!!
    I admire you all so much!!
