Visiting Lalibela

Visiting Lalibela

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sanctity of Life

We watched an amazing video on Sanctity of Life Sunday. Every time I see a movie like it, showing the stages of a fetus's development, I'm brought to tears because of our Creator's gift of life and how intricate it is. I'm a passionate pro-life supporter!! I love that THE CHURCH embraces this topic, and people sign their names to support LIFE. I love the work done by places like Legacy Crisis Pregnancy Center, in our hometown of Sheridan, Wyoming. It's an easy cause to get passionate about. I mean, who really would believe that killing an unborn child is okay?
What I don't understand though, is that if we as Christians view this miracle of life as something worth fighting for and voting for, why don't we all embrace those little miracles that are all over the world waiting for homes? Why is it okay to let little ones DIE due to lack of clean water, lack of mosquito netting , lack of food and lack of good health habits? Why are children languishing in orphanages or in foster care here and around the world?

How is it any different? Why isn't THE CHURCH standing or rallying behind these issues too? Why aren't there signatures in every local paper stating who in their town are behind orphan care?

My sister sent me the following statistics (thanks, Brenda):

What is the equivalent of all the people killed by Hitler plus all the people killed by Stalin TIMES TWO???

All the abortions (over 50 million) performed since Roe v. Wade.

Now, how about these statistics?

There are an estimated 147-160 million orphans in the world, due to no fault of their own. Their lives are as holy in God's eyes as those unborn children we work so tirelessly to protect.

I am so thankful for the faithful warriors that we've met along our adoption road, those warriors who have seen and not been afraid to act, the warriors who are going again and again because LIFE IS WORTH IT.

I saw a t-shirt once that read if ABORTION and the B was crossed out and replaced with a D, the R crossed out and replaced with a P. hmmm I wonder if more women would choose life if more Christians chose ADOPTION, not just as a Plan B, but as a beautiful Plan A, because it's the right thing to do.

I wonder what would happen if the defining cry of a political party or church was not only unborn LIFE but any LIFE.

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