Visiting Lalibela

Visiting Lalibela

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

an update

We spoke with our child who is at the Ranch for Kids on Monday night. For the first time, we heard genuine remorse in the child's voice and words. Our child is definitely missing home and family, which are very good. All the other kids got to say a quick "Hi," which was hard but good for everyone. Our child is learning so much at the Ranch and starting to heal. We are more hopeful and thankful than ever before. Some of the behaviors that precipitated our child going to the Ranch are beginning to diminish. This is still a long process, as our child learns what triggers those behaviors and learns other ways to deal with the triggers.

We know God is doing an amazing work in our child. We still really appreciate your prayers, for all of us as we navigate this road of healing for everyone. Please also continue to lift up the staff at the Ranch for the work they do.

Personally, I have had to deal with the sin of judgement through all of this. A year ago, we knew of another family needing to utilize the Ranch for healing for one of their children. I honestly couldn't imagine taking one of my own children there and yet here we are, needing the resources that the Ranch has to offer. Over the past few months, I have read and heard story after story of families living with really tough outcomes after adopting older children. These families need support, through prayer, through meals, through watching other children. Sometimes loving a child from hard places is like fighting a war...I've heard it's harder than actually going into a mission field in a foreign country and yet God calls..He calls us to love the children that He loves. He calls us to live "my life is not my own." He calls us not to judge. He has called us to love our child who is not at home right now and is allowing this love to grow in us until we are reunited. We serve an awesome God!


  1. Stacy, I just discovered your blog and am so moved by your words and testimony! I am dating a widower with 2 kids, and growing daily - and through much prayer - in my bond with his 9 and 12 year old children who lost their mother so young. It is not a "typical" calling, and yet it is so clear to me that it is Christ's calling on my life and that is what matters! I have learned so much about love, non-judgment, and healing and am so privileged to be a part of that path. So proud of you and Mike and the road you have taken!

  2. Alison- so nice to connect with you! When we went to Ethiopia the first time, we were met with much discouragement from those around us. Fortunately, we also had wise counsel who said, "The safest place to be is in God's will for your life." It is so true. I would love to meet your family. Sounds like God is weaving another beautiful tapestry.
